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More about Matt Fout

Working in forestry and log buying for 20+ years has afforded Matt the opportunity to work with many sawmills and loggers to identify and procure the best possible woods.

In 2007, he started Honeysuckle Woodworks and Farms, LLC, a company devoted to marketing premium curly maple, walnut and highly figured wood for various projects, including flooring, instrument wood, gun stocks, and bar tops.  Owning his own sawmill and kiln he is able to control the sawing process / drying process for the wood in house. 

Matt was introduced to hunting by his grandfather and friends at an early age, concentrating on small game. In mid 90s, he got started in bow hunting, mainly with a compound.  By 2009, he was looking for something more out of his hunting experience, and with the encouragement of a friend, and vast knowledge of wood, he built his first bow and took it on a pheasant hunt. That first hunting experience with his first self bow hooked him on traditional archery and hunting for life.  With that bow in 2011, he harvested he took his first primitive/traditional white tail. It was an impressive deer that he nicknamed "Ishi".  "Ishi" scored 159 on Compton and is regarded as the largest buck ever taken with a self bow during modern record keeping.

In 2015, he decided to follow that traditional archery passion even further and go into full time bow building and open an archery supply company (Whitefeather Archery) along with Honeysuckle Woodworks.  Since then he has built numerous custom bows and custom arrows and has become a dealer for many fine archery products. 

We chose the name WhiteFeather Archery as a tribute to Marine Sniper Carlos Norman Hathcock II, and the many other men and women who have served our Country.  Ask about our discounts on bows and other products for veterans and active duty service members.  

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